2002 Vandorf Sideroad, Aurora, ON, Canada
2002 Vandorf Sideroad
The Association’s Mission is to provide knowledge and leadership to grow the farm fresh experience.
The Purpose of this Association is to help members improve their profitability by:
- Encouraging networking.
- Representing members in matters concerning marketing legislation, and marketing issues, for the betterment of the industry as a whole.
- Motivating and educating members for the advancement of the entire direct farm sales industry through newsletters, educational programs (ie. conferences, workshops, tours) & networking opportunities.
- Monitoring the industry through surveys, consultations, and international contacts.
- Accumulating funds for the long term viability of the association and for use in education, market research, promotion, membership development, and administration.
- Providing full members with publicity and other merchandising materials that will assist in promoting the sales of Ontario farm products.
Ontario Farm Fresh Marketing Association (OFFMA) was founded in 1973 as a not-for-profit, educational, and promotional organization. Its general membership is made up of dedicated Ontario farmers with a keen interest in promoting the direct farm sales industry (which includes on-farm markets and pick-your-own operations) and encouraging improvements and maintaining integrity in the industry.