We are part of a growing global movement of farmers who have decided to work alongside Nature, embracing Organic Farming Methods. We see our farm through the lens of ecology. We know that the quality of food grown here depends on the many intimately related parts of the system. We nourish soil biology using compost and rely on nitrogen fixing clovers and alfalfa to sustain the cycle. We stay away from any toxins that could threaten soil and crop health or compromise the purity of our food. Our animals are where they belong in summer – out in the field – grazing. We select the animals we use for hardiness, disease resistance and quality of the food that goes to our customers. Finally, by connecting directly with families, we offer them the best food money can buy, at an affordable price.
We produce:
- Organic Beef
- Organic Pork
- Pastured Organic Turkey
- Certified Organic Chicken